Africa REACH Leadership Council June Virtual meeting photo 2024

Africa REACH Leadership Council Members’ Annual Virtual Meeting: Key Highlights and Next Steps

The recent Africa REACH Leadership Council Members’ Annual Virtual Meeting convened our strategic and thought leaders to discuss the organisation’s advocacy efforts, resource mobilisation, and progress in key result areas of the current strategy. This gathering is important as it allows Africa REACH to align its initiatives with the insights and expertise of its leadership, ensuring effective and impactful outcomes.

What was the Objective of the Meeting?

The objective of the meeting was to bring together Africa REACH’s Leadership Council Members (LCM) to review and discuss the organisation’s advocacy efforts, resource mobilisation strategies, and progress in key result areas. The meeting aimed to foster collaborative discussions, share updates, and strategise on overcoming challenges to drive the mission forward.

What were some of the key take-aways?

Several key takeaways emerged from the meeting:

  • Status Report: The Africa REACH Secretariat presented updates on various activities, partnerships, programs, events, and resource mobilisation efforts since the last meeting in August 2023.
  • Resource Mobilisation: Discussions highlighted the need for new funding partners and streams, with commitments from some of the Leadership Council members to support donor mapping and identify potential funding opportunities. One of the Council members suggested incorporating climate change into Africa REACH’s profile to attract related funding.
  • Strategic Partnerships: The secretariat’s efforts to align with African-owned foundations and join forces with other Africa-led organisations with similar objectives in this regard.
  • Events and Advocacy: Leadership Council members were encouraged to share their calendars and event attendance plans. A few of the Council members confirmed their participation in upcoming high-level meetings, workshop and conferences, emphasising the importance of advocacy during these events.

Who attended the Meeting?

The meeting was attended by The Africa REACH Secretariat and Leadership Council members. These leaders brought valuable insights and commitments to support Africa REACH’s initiatives and strategic goals.

Next steps…

Following the meeting, the next steps include:

  • Implementation of Strategies: Actioning the resource mobilisation strategies discussed, including donor mapping and identifying new funding partners.
  • Engagement with Foundations: Following up on potential partnerships with the identified, and other African philanthropic organisations.
  • Event Participation and Advocacy: Leveraging upcoming events for advocacy efforts, with specific focus on HIV-related initiatives.
  • Production of Advocacy Materials: Developing a digital pamphlet for use at high-level African gatherings.

The Leadership Council Members’ Annual Virtual Meeting reaffirmed Africa REACH’s commitment to its mission and laid out a clear path for future efforts in advocacy, resource mobilisation, and strategic partnerships.